giovedì 1 settembre 2016

A tragedy for the whole Chaaria Community

We wish to express our heartfelt condolences to Lucy, our dear nurse in hospital, for the terrible tragedy which has affected her, when her husband and our former nurse Job has been kidnapped and brutally killed.
It is so sad for us to think that Job is no more with us and we cannot even imagine the sorrow and the desperation which must be in Lucy's heart, now that she has been left alone with her small child.
I am deeply disturbed even thinking of the much pain that Job must have endured before dying, because (as we read on the newspapers) there are signs of torture on his body.
For us at the moment it is a time of silence and prayer.
We do not know what happened and why.
We are so shocked and confused
We do not feel even to talk about this terrible tragedy.
A person we have known for many years has been killed and it looks unbelievable to us: another person whom we love and is still working with us is now a widow with a small child left orphan.
Everything has happened so quickly: Job had gone to Nairobi on a journey on Sunday 21th August, but by evening his phone had gone off.
The following day Lucy was restless because Job had not contacted anybody.

Therefore she reported the disappearance to the police and she went looking for him to no avail: of course we have granted her emergency off duty from the hospital.
We have been hoping with her that he had gone somewhere and maybe he will communicate, but the news of her body being found has left us devastated...and we cannot even imagine how Lucy might feel now!
We ask all the people who knew Job to pray for his soul: he was so young!
Let us pray also for Lucy and for the small kid.
We pray in the same time for his family.

Bro Beppe Gaido

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Chaaria è un sogno da realizzare giorno per giorno.

Un luogo in cui vorrei che tutti i poveri e gli ammalati venissero accolti e curati.

Vorrei poter fare di più per questa gente, che non ha nulla e soffre per malattie facilmente curabili, se solo ci fossero i mezzi.

Vorrei smetterla di dire “vai altrove, perché non possiamo curarti”.

Anche perché andare altrove, qui, vuol dire aggiungere altra fatica, altro sudore, altro dolore, per uomini, donne e bambini che hanno già camminato per giorni interi.

E poi, andare dove?

Gli ospedali pubblici hanno poche medicine, quelli privati sono troppo costosi.

Ecco perché penso, ostinatamente, che il nostro ospedale sia un segno di speranza per questa gente. Non ci sarà tutto, ma facciamo il possibile. Anzi, l’impossibile.

Quello che mi muove, che ci muove, è la carità verso l’altro, verso tutti. Nessuno escluso.

Gesù ci ha detto di essere presenti nel più piccolo e nel più diseredato.

Questo è quello che facciamo, ogni giorno.

Fratel Beppe Gaido

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